Rehabilitation and Employment Unit, in cooperation with the Ibn Sina E-Learning Unit at the Al-Kindy College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, organized on Thursday 22/10/2022, and on the Zoom platform, an interactive electronic lecture entitled “Inspirational success stories for Al-Kindy College of Medicine graduates”, in which Dr. Youssef Mohammed Al-Awsaj, the first graduate of the class of 2005 (the first batch), and he is currently working as a specialist in gastroenterology in the United Kingdom, and Dr. Zainab Attia, the first graduate of the class of 2008, a specialist in cardiology, catheter intervention, and teaching at the college, and they talked about the difficulties they faced after Graduation, the obstacles they overcame, and they provided valuable advice to students and newly graduated doctors. The lecture was attended by a large number of students and doctors, and was characterized by great interaction from them. The session was moderated by Prof. Dr. Taghreed Al-Haidari, Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs and Student Affairs, and Prof. Prof. Muhannad Munther, the official of the Ibn Sina Unit, and the student, Yasser Amer Mohieldin

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