With the name of god began the second day of medical education workshop that established by a branch of Community in Al-Kindy college of Medicine and at the Conference Hall at the college the first lecture laid by Dr Mohammed Hassan al-Musawi, where he talk about how to prepare curriculum in detailed for medical students on the level of stages and the college has been proposed action plan for the preparation of a new approach and a gradual transition from the old curriculum to the new curriculum integrated in medical education where the lecturer explained the general principles and steps to be followed for the purpose of preparing such an approach and he showes the fundamentals preparation of this approach is the involvement of representatives from the Ministry of Health or organizations of civil society and the municipal council as well as the representation of students in the the curriculum preparing committee ,and emphasized that the change should be gradual and not sudden because it will lead to the failure of the experiment and was also put-forward the idea to radical intervention in junior high school curricula in order to facilitate the task of preparing doctors in medical colleges as has been the suggestion that there will be a preparatory year for medical students before they entered the study of medicine is in short is to give the student materials more complementarily between the different scientific disciplines ,and not as the current practice where each department works separately.

In the second part of the lecture, the participants were divided into small groups to answer a series of questions raised andthe  most important is:

1 – What are the goals of the curriculum for Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine?

2 – Why do we need to prepare such a curriculum?

3 – Do we need to set up another curriculum differs from the approach of our colleges now?

After that the teams met again and put forward ideas for discussion and issued the recommendations:

1 – the most important process in the curriculum is to be clear goals.

2 – Instruments of change and means must be  clear

3 – A clear plan must be viable,logical and measurable and have clear time frame

4 – must put evaluation criteria and implement this assessment after the end of the implementation of the program

In conclusion discussed why we need the curriculum?And the answer was

 because the existing medical courses is a list of topics that should be given is not a standard curriculum.

And also raising the issue of the plan must be clear and curriculum as well as in order to be comparable with the match with the countries of the world.







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