Our efforts in order to reach international quality standards are continuing and many, At the conference hall in al- kindy college of Medicine which is one of the formations of Baghdad University met Mr. Dean Dr. Sadiq al- Moktar and Dr. lujane Anwar with students of the College where they give an introductory lecture for reliability and quality in higher education and the standards and requirements for access to reliability.

The most important goals that it mentioned in the lecture:

1 – Identifying the concepts of quality and standards in higher education.

2 – Identifying the mechanisms of selfeducation reports for scientific colleges.

3 Get reliability concepts and types.

4 What quality assurance mechanisms down to reliability.

Then in the meeting, open discussion about the importance of full questionnaire prepared by the University for the Adoption of such questionnaires as a data base for the College to identify strengths and weaknesses in different areas of performance.

Excellent work and productively with the help of God your trying to always reach for the better

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