The library was established concurrently with the founding of the College of Medicine in 1998. Its current building is located within the clinical scientific branches building, covering an area of approximately (283 m²), distributed as follows:

– Reading Hall:Contains (12) reading tables with (72) chairs and (4) computers distributed on side tables for general student use, in addition to (8) single chairs for reading.

– Book Hall: Houses a scientific collection of books, theses, and references.

– Free Stores Unit: Attached to the library.

– Journals Unit: Available on open shelves within the reading hall.

Library Collection

The library comprises a diverse collection of information sources, including:

– Foreign Books: Totaling 3,093.

– Theses: Completed at the college (22).

– Scientific Journals: Totaling 642.

– Scientific References: Including atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. (400).

– Arabic Books: Covering various cultural fields (258).

Library Services

The library offers two types of services: direct and indirect, as follows:

First: Technical Services (Indirect)

These services are conducted without direct contact with readers, but they can feel the results. They include:

– Acquisition and Procurement Service: For medical information sources.

– Technical Preparation Service: Involves the processes of registration, indexing, and classification of information sources according to the latest global systems. The library uses the medical classification system issued by the National Library of Medicine in the United States (National Library of Medicine), in its latest edition published in 2013. This system is globally used and specialized. Additionally, it provides book loan card preparation services and printing labels for each material (book, magazine, reference, etc.) that carries the request number for that material.

– Database Building: For the library’s collection and ongoing input of modern acquisitions, such as the database of books and theses.

Second: Information Services (Direct)

These services include:

– Loan Service: For various information sources.

– Reference Service: Through guiding readers, answering their research inquiries, and directing them to suitable information sources.

– Selective Information Dissemination Service: Through a special form for each researcher that includes their research needs, which are then provided via email.

– Internet Research Service: Through Wi-Fi or computers directly linked and equipped for researchers’ use.

– Providing Researchers with Bibliographic Lists: Covering what the library includes on a specific topic as needed.

– Issuing a List of Summaries: For the theses completed at the college and updating it annually.

Library Renovation