Al-Kindy medical college held a workshop entitled: Review of the curriculum of the integrated system which hosted Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al Ezri, a consultant in psychiatry from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom the workshop began with a welcoming speech by Mr. Dean and he show wher are the colloge now in the  application of this curriculum then Prof. Ibtessam Khaled , Dr. Ihsan Bazerkan and A.P. Ikhlas Khaled speak throwing about remapping general application of the curriculum, method of assessing students and the most important challenges and problems facing the application of this platform in our college after that the guest talk about  the reflection of the application of this program in Britain to be applied in our college and the differences between them Dr.Alezri also pointed out the points of weaknesses in our program in order to correct them taking into consideration the new experience in Iraq and the weakness of potential material and logistical support compared to Britain and prestigious college of medicine like that of University of Leicester and after the discussion was opened where the debate chandelier by lecturers attendance and Mr. Azri. . it is worth mentioning that Professor Mohammad Al Ezri is vice president of external relations at the British Royal college of psychiatrists and the academic coordinator of the memorandum of understanding with Iraq and helped found the medical education in Iraq.

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