A number of professors of the college participate in a workshop titled "The Gateway Course An Introduction to Medical Education" set up by the University of Sheffield in collaboration with the British council in Baghdad, the course given by Professor Nigel Bax and Professor Deborah Bax where they gave over two consecutive 25 & 26 November a comprehensive lectures in medical education including Curriculum development, educational theory, approaches to teaching, teaching in clinical practice as well as the ways of assessment in Al- Rashid Hotel . The course attendant by Dr. Raed Stephan, Dr. Mohanad Munther and A.P. Dr. Ikhlas Khalid from our college beside representative professors from the faculties of medicine at the universities of Baghdad, Wasit, Najaf and Karbala, all of them applied the integrated curriculum in the teaching of medicine and by the end of the workshop the participants received a certificate of participation from the university of Sheffield, it is worth mentioning that Nigel Bax is Professor Emeritus Professor, University of Sheffield, UK Emeritus Consultant Physician, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in UK and Previously Head of the Academic Unit of Medical Education and Director of the MBChB Programme at the Medical School, Univesity of Sheffield and Consultant Physician in General Internal Medicine while Deborah Bax Honorary Emeritus Professor of Rheumatology, University of Sheffield, UK Emeritus Consultant Physician, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS