The Audit Division is affiliated with the Financial Affairs Division and administratively reports to the Dean of Alkindy College of Medicine, according to the organizational structure of the college. 

Auditor’s Work Program 

Division’s Responsibilities:

– Expenditure Review: No payments are processed without prior auditing, and all payment documents undergo a documentary audit. Bank statements are reviewed and matched, with signatures on the reconciliations. 

– Document Posting: All receipts and entries are posted into all relevant ledgers. 

– Trial Balance Audit: The trial balance is audited and matched against all ledgers, and advances and deposit records are also audited. 

– Stamping Receipts: All supporting receipts are stamped with the “Audited” mark. 

– Expense Voucher Audit: Auditing of expense vouchers along with attached checks and receipts. 

– Document Signing: Ensuring that all payment documents and entries are signed by all the relevant personnel noted in the entry. 

– Use of Accounting Ledger 16: This ledger is used to monitor the use of notebooks and outputs. 

– Follow-up on Issuance of Administrative Orders: Tracking the issuance of orders for forming inventory committees and ensuring compliance with the annual inventory schedule, along with signing inventory records. 

– Salary Audit: Auditing salaries and comparing them with administrative orders, bonuses, retirements, and appointments. 

– Audit of Allocations: Auditing granted allowances. 

– Salary Deduction Monitoring: Monitoring salary deductions, auditing marital status forms, and verifying the accuracy of the information on the forms. 

– Salary Lists: Stamping and signing payroll lists after auditing. 

– Lecture Fee Audits: Auditing and organizing the calculation forms for lecture fees, and signing off on them. 

– Instructor Lecture Fees: Auditing the payment of lecture fees for active instructors. 

– Federal Budget Instructions Compliance: Monitoring the implementation of annual federal budget instructions and verifying purchase authorizations. 

– Bid Audits for Purchases: Ensuring compliance with bid auditing procedures where required for purchases. 

– Inventory Committees:Forming committees that include a financial member for purchase committees, ensuring proper inventory entry procedures, organizing warehouse entry receipts, and obtaining purchase committee signatures on purchase lists.