Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates Program ECFMG

Al-Kindy College Of Medicine is ECFMG listed, this provide a lot of benefits as:

  • It certify the readiness of medical graduates for entry into graduate medical education and health care systems globally (mainly in the United States) through an evaluation of their qualifications.
  • Verify credentials and provide other services to health care professionals worldwide.
  • Improve international medical education through consultation and cooperation with medical schools and other institutions relative to program development, standard setting, and evaluation.
  • Provide international access to testing and evaluation programs
  • Expand knowledge about international medical education programs and their graduates by gathering data, conducting research, and disseminating the findings.
  • Improve assessments through collaboration with other entities in the United States and abroad.
  • Consultation services to institutions that evaluate international medical graduates for entry into their country.

ECFMG Medical School Web Portal (EMSWP)

Provides access to ECFMG’s Web-Based Services for international medical schools through EMSWP, medical schools can access: Status Verification, Credentials Verification, EMSWP ERAS, and Performance Data Program Coordinator Asst. Prof. Dr. Ekhlas Khalid Hameed