With the support of Professor Dr. Mohammed Shahab Al-Eidani, the Dean of Alkindy College of Medicine, the new academic year 2023-2024 commenced and made a bright start. As part of the remarkable beginning, the College’s Continuing Education Unit organized an educational lecture titled “Strategies for Performance Assessment and Data Analysis in Education.”
The lecture was presented by Dr. Kamal Abdul-Hussein and witnessed active participation from faculty members and students. The lecture revolved around the Electronic Grading Report, highlighting its importance in enhancing teaching and learning.
During the lecture, key points were discussed:
Statistical Data for Examinations the lecture highlighted the importance of collecting and analyzing statistical data related to examinations and how it can be leveraged to gain a better understanding of student performance and enhance the quality of the educational process.
Achieving Educational Objectives, the lecture reviewed how the Electronic Grading Report facilitates the process of achieving educational objectives. It also demonstrated how educators can determine the extent to which students are meeting these objectives and improve the quality of education based on this analysis.
Constructive Critique of Examination Questions the role of the Electronic Grading Report in differentiating effective examination questions and improving them based on student feedback and analysis was emphasized.
Student Assessment Methods the lecture addressed how students can be assessed fairly and effectively using electronic grading techniques and how their educational experience can be improved based on the results.
It is worth noting that this lecture marked a successful start to the new academic year and significantly contributed to understanding the importance of electronic grading techniques in improving the quality of education and performance assessment at Alkindy College of Medicine.

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