Professor Dr. Mohammed Shihab Al-Eidaani, Dean of Alkindy College of Medicine, participated in the Advanced Orthopedic Trauma Course (AO Trauma Advance Course) in Karbala, Iraq for three consecutive days. He presented several theoretical, practical, and clinical lectures, including one on the initial assessment of patients with orthopedic trauma.

The AO Trauma Advance Course is a rigorous training program designed to build the skills of surgeons who are looking to assume independent surgical responsibilities in the treatment of complex orthopedic injuries. Participants must have successfully completed the AO Trauma Orthopedics Course – Basic Principles in Fracture Care and be active in the field of injury care.

Dr. Al-Eidaani’s participation in the course is part of his commitment to developing the capabilities of medical personnel in Iraq and providing specialized training in the field of emergency and trauma medicine.

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